Odoo hosting.

Powering your business

Odoo hosting.

You are currently using Odoo online or Odoo.sh or another format of hosting and you are looking for a more reliable and scalable solution? 

You are at the right place! Code Agency as an official partner has 15+ years of experience with Odoo. 

Along with our deep knowledge about Odoo, we are also DevOps experts for more than 20 years and 7+ years experience with cloudnative solutions and containerizing applications.

We host a plethora of applications ranging from WordPress, Magento, Odoo, Nextcloud, Metabase, and much more. We have an internal catalog of 400+ applications we can deploy for your company. 

What is this about.

Hosting Odoo is more than just an application and a database.
At Code Agency, we deploy reliable and secure Odoo instances with several options for scalable setups. 

How much scalable depends on your requirements and needs to be discussed in detailed. 

In the below form, you can enter the details for your current Odoo instance so we can map this to a proper cloud native deployment fully containerized. 

It's all in the details.

Every deployment includes the following components:

Other applications and tools are also possible on request.

Depending on your choice of deployment model and the minimum VM requirements, you might need 2 or more VM’s. 

Your Odoo.

Odoo hosting

* Concurrent means the number of users that are logged in your Odoo or visiting your Odoo website/portal at the same time.
This is the "peak" load that can exist on the system and generates the highest load.  
If your system can not sustain this load, you will face severe slowdown or even system failures (error 502/504 time out)


Official recommendation:

Worker number calculation

  • Rule of thumb : (#CPU * 2) + 1
  • Cron workers need CPU
  • 1 worker ~= 6 concurrent users


memory size calculation

  • We consider 20% of the requests are heavy requests, while 80% are simpler ones.
  • A heavy worker, when all computed field are well designed, SQL requests are well designed, … is estimated to consume around 1GB of RAM
  • A lighter worker, in the same scenario, is estimated to consume much less


This quick calculation, only takes the Odoo part into considering. Postgres, system components, etc... are not taking into account so the actual server specifications will be higher. 


How advanced do you want your Odoo deployment?

Failover / Fallback

In the case of an unexpected issue at the hardware/VM vendor or their network, your Odoo instance can self heal or recover from the issue and becomes back available in a minimal downtime if there is a failover or fallback strategy implemented.

With a failover/fallback strategy there is a minimal intervention required to make sure your base cluster is always in the correct dimension to handle application loads. 

With Kubernetes, it's even possible to achieve high availability so you don't experience any downtime at all and it runs on auto pilot. 

If you don't value this option and don't mind interruptions, you can select no.
If you do want this feature, the minimum specification for deploying Odoo requires a cluster setup. 

Auto scaling

Auto scaling is a feature exclusively available in Kubernetes only. This feature allows your cluster to spin up and down VM's and resources based on metrics and health checks to maximize uptime and performance of your applications. 

If you run very dynamic work sets or you have a very dynamic traffic with unexpected high loads, or you often run large campaigns that cause traffic spikes, then Kubernetes might be an interesting feature for you. With a minimum and maximum set, Kubernetes will spin up servers and keep them available until the sustained load is decreasing or completely gone and then automatically removes the temporary VM's from the cluster. This way, you can guarantee a high performance solution for dynamic applications and don't waste resources on running VM's 24/7 that don't handle any load at all. 

Preview deployments

Preview deployments is a dynamic feature in combination with Github pull requests and Argocd. 
Each time you git commit and push a change to your Github repository, and trigger a pull request it will launch a staging/dev instance of your Odoo instance on a random preview URL based on the PR commit ID. These instances are ephemeral. After you test your changes and merge your pull request, Argocd will also cleanup those temporary instances. 

This feature is mostly a recommendation for companies that are in a very dynamic development situation and want a secure and automated process of developing > testing > delivery cycle without the manual hassle of creating new setups by hand. 

Additional software

We can deploy more than just Odoo.

If you have any other applications that are mandatory or related to Odoo, feel free to mention them in the box below. 
In the list below you can see some of the common applications and tools companies typically include in their Odoo deployment. 

Your details

What is your company about?